Developer tools
Get Started
Step-by-step guides to quickly integrate Auth0 into your app.
Auth0 APIs
APIs for developers to consume in their apps.
SDK Libraries
Integrate and interact easily with Auth0
Learn what the Auth0 platform has to offer.
Code Samples
Experience the identity and security features of Auth0.
Learn how to integrate Auth0 with different frameworks and languages.
Follow engaging exercises to learn how to use Auth0 beyond the basics.
Engaging and interactive sessions to learn how to use Auth0.
Blog Posts
Keep up to date with our developer content, created by developers.
Our YouTube channel dedicated to teach security and identity concepts.
Boost your authentication workflows with pre-built solutions.
Zero Index Newsletter
Our monthly digest of relevant and curated developer content.
JWT Tool
Decode, verify, and debug JWTs.
Webauthn Playground
Interactive tutorial and WebAuthn config debugger.
Passkeys Playground
Learn how passkeys work using an interactive demo.
OpenID Connect Playground
Learn how OIDC works in this interactive environment.
Decode, inspect, and verify SAML messages.
Ask questions, share ideas, and get to know other Auth0 developers.
Come join the Auth0 team at our virtual events or an event near you.
Ambassador Program
Meet a global team of developers who share their Auth0 knowledge.
Having Trouble? We are here to help you.
Auth0 Apollo Program
Join amazing developers who have written for the Auth0 Blog.
Auth0 Research Program
Give feedback towards our product improvements and get rewarded for your participation.
Featured Event
Best of DevDay
This webinar will give you the TL;DR on the most exciting announcements shared at dev_day(24) and Oktane, spotlighting the trending identity topics discussed this year.
Native/Mobile App
Mobile or Desktop app that runs natively on a device
Single-Page App
JavaScript web app that runs in the browser
Regular Web App
Traditional web app that runs on the server
An API or service protected by Auth0
Cloud App
An application hosted in the cloud (e.g. Vercel, Netlify)
Boost your authentication workflows with pre-built solutions from Auth0.